Social Media Week 2012
Silverman Research and Unilever hosted 150 delegates at our event for Social Media Week 2012. The theme of this year’s conference was “Social Approaches to Engaging Current and Prospective Employees.” Michael Silverman spoke about how social media is changing the way organisations engage in conversations with their current and prospective employees a – providing case studies of best practice within Unilever. Unilever’s HR practitioners and external thought leaders also shared the latest thinking on how social media is impacting areas such as employee engagement, reward, recruitment and agile working.
Watch the Livestream recording of the event here
Speakers and Panelists:
Peter Newhouse, Senior Vice President HR, Unilever
Paul Maxin, Global Resourcing Director, Unilever
Jacobina Plummer, Global Change and Communications Manager, Unilever
Klazien van Vliet-Linse, Early Careers Resourcing Director, Unilever
Michael Silverman, Managing Director, Silverman Research
Nathalie Nahai, Author and Web Psychologist
Gareth Jones, Head of Product Strategy, The Chemistry Group
Phil Woodford, Director, Here Comes the Cavalry